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Woodruff Scholarship

Mr. Woodruff

The Arkansas Student Loan Authority provides several $1000 scholarships each year to incoming and current college students in Arkansas. Additionally, one of the scholarships drawn will be renewable for up to 4 years!

To enter the monthly scholarship drawing, students must complete The College Quiz, a tool designed to help Arkansas high school and college students learn fundamental concepts about student loan financing. The scholarship entry form will be submitted at the end of the quiz.

Over his 27-year tenure at the Arkansas Student Loan Authority, R. Preston Woodruff, Jr. instilled the importance of serving Arkansas families by providing access to higher education.


Free Scholarship Search

ASLA provides a free scholarship search for Arkansas. It provides a collection of hundreds of scholarships and grants for which students may be eligible. Scholarship opportunities can also be found in your high school counselor's office, college admission office, alumni/development office, and through civic organizations in your community.

These scholarships and grants are for all different types of majors, disciplines, and programs!

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